What are the worst side effects of delta-8?

David Taylor, medical director and emergency doctor for Riverwood. While Delta 8 products offer a variety of potential benefits, it's important to know the associated side effects before using them.

What are the worst side effects of delta-8?

David Taylor, medical director and emergency doctor for Riverwood. While Delta 8 products offer a variety of potential benefits, it's important to know the associated side effects before using them. Some of the most common side effects include dry mouth, red eyes, dizziness, anxiety, and paranoia. It's important to start with a low dose and increase it gradually to avoid these side effects.

However, it's not clear if this is also true for other effects of Delta 8, such as appetite or pain relief.

Suzette Compiseno
Suzette Compiseno

Hipster-friendly twitter evangelist. General twitter guru. Extreme web fan. Typical music lover. Freelance gamer. Social media geek.

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